Chèques Relance Export (CRE):
French government gives SMEs & midcaps €8000 to boost exports
Cocorico! Rain is certified for France’s Covid-crisis initiative Chèques Relance Export subsidy!
You may be telling yourself “That’s great!” But, you may also be asking yourself “What is Chèque Relance Export?” Or, even, “what does “cocorico” mean?!”*
To find out, read on. But, it’s pretty safe to say that if you’re a French business and you’re looking to accelerate the international development of your company, the French government has €8000 with your name on it.
Tell me more!
Back in early 2020, when borders were sealed up tight, online events seemed the only lifeline available to French sales teams desperately searching for any way to keep business going. It was then that Business France, the behemoth trade arm of the French government, hatched a number of initiatives. Specifically targeted to help their SMEs and midcap companies, the export focused agency Team France created #FranceRelance. They provided kind of a cheerleading squad for depressed businesses and, more importantly, a number of financial incentives to keep international trade ticking. (It takes a licking but keeps on______.)
One initiative called Chèques Relance Export (CRE) is a government financed subsidy of up to €8000 to help businesses develop their export and trade activities. The thinking was that even if borders were physically closed, businesses should nonetheless be able to continue doing what they do best: business.
By artificially stimulating SMEs to keep spending, the economy would be poised to recover more quickly once the Covid-end-of-tunnel was in sight.
Who's it for, what's it for and how exactly does it work?
Most French businesses under 5000 employees with annual revenue of less than 50M euros for a SME and 1500M euros for a midcap company are eligible to receive the subsidy.
Most services critical for preparing for export or for prospecting new clients in an international market are covered by the program. Examples include export audit and diagnosis, market research, prospecting in the target country and, our personal favorite, communication and marketing expenses. There are some services that are excluded so it’s best take a look at the full list.
The CRE covers 50% of an international support service up to a maximum €2000 for each check. A total for 4 checks can be used with the same service provider for a total of €8000. The provider has to be certified opérateur agréé by Business France and listed on the provider registry, which is the case for Rain (or, more specifically, 916-Rain).
Sounds good. Show me the money!
The process is fairly straightforward (surprisingly so for a country known for its bureaucracy and “fonctionnaires”). France has made steps over the past decade to ease up on red tape and acknowledges overtly that its entrepreneurs are in the economy driving seat.
Rain is excited to work with Business France and to help companies make a splash in the US market. The CRE is a great opportunity for companies to get more bang for their buck when expanding into new markets.
Read article in French here
*”Cocorico” is the sound a French rooster makes which, let’s be clear, sounds nothing like “cock-a-doodle-doo”!
Rain services eligible for Cheque Relance Export subsidy
Brand audit and positioning for an international launch
Visual and verbal identities adapted for a target market (design, messaging, brand collaterals)
Communication strategy for product/service and tools to support local sales teams
Copy and content writing for English language markets (articles, white papers, product sales tools, etc.)
Graphic design, UX/UI and digital supports tailored to a local audience
Marketing & communications campaigns adapted to an international launch (landing page, design templates, content, etc.)
Promotional tools for local sales teams (video scripting & production, media support, application development, etc.)
PR & media relations to support communication strategy (with US based partner)